Can You solve this coded puzzle?

Hertz Nazaire
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


See my black puzzle series in ( énigme ) on exhibit at the Connecticut State Capitol

Sometimes the world affects your creativity, and your art is the only place you can openly place your despair. It is good to get it out of your system sometimes unless you wish to stay depressed and oppressed.

I wish you all a place you can run to for peace.


First and Second part of the Puzzle was successfully decoded on NeoGAF by EarthBound64

answer 1

answer 2

Hertz Nazaire

Artist / PAINter



Hertz Nazaire

ハイチのスーパーフラット #KingsOfHaiti Artist PAINter #Haiti - Life is shorter than we can hope for... I wish to dedicate the days I have to inspiring compassion with Art