Art in Puzzles
I am currently working on a new series of art that uses elements of Jig-saw Puzzles. This is a very new direction for my art.
Often it is very hard for me to find the motivation to create art. We see art everywhere in our life. I see art in video games and in digital animated films. I feel inspired by what I see but I also feel it is really hard to create anything really new. So for me Art is something I enjoy being a fan of first and second trying to dream up my own stuff to share.
I have been mostly taking care of my health and the art has always been secondary. Although I still dream of making a living at it someday, I have had a lot of failures to learn from trying to work with galleries. Often I just create for fun and not because I plan to sell my work.
I live on disability due to Sickle Cell Anemia so I can’t afford my art supplies often. I got lucky this year when I was invited by a major pharmaceutical company to show some art at their NYC HQ, they paid me and I used those funds to pay for my art supplies for an upcoming public show in Hartford, Connecticut. So without that I would not have a had a show.
The art world is still a strange place to me. Making it is really who you know and which gallery is backing you. I don’t really have time for that kind of stress right now so I try to show at government buildings or public spaces when I have the opportunity to fund a show myself like the exhibit I am currently working on.
I also work with the cheapest material possible like Oil Pastels over Acrylics paint on canvas which I enjoy but can’t afford very often. So one stick of Oil Pastels $1.65 vs one tube of acrylic paint for $8 determines if I produce anything at all in a month.
The next part is overcoming my depression long enough to focus on creating or stop playing video games or surfing the net long enough to work on art. Sharing about the work here to help me stay on track.
You can attend my next show:
Connecticut State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
Take the escalators down to the Concourse that connects the Capitol to the Legislative building.
Exhibit Days: 15th through 28th of February 2017.
Consider becoming my patron and see my art in progress by following me on Patreon.
Thank You for stopping by,
UPDATE NOTE: I deleted my Patreon page and decided to just continue doing projects without support. I did not know by deleting my page Patreon would just allow anyone to take over my old URL on their website. So this update is to tell you that whoever is on that URL right now it is not me. — Hertz Nazaire